Thank you for requesting the "5 Signs of Empty Nest Syndrome" educational resource. This resource will help you determine if Empty Nest Syndrome is negatively affecting your life.

Experiencing negative symptoms of Empty Nest Syndrome can be life altering and devastating. The loneliness alone can lead to bouts of depression and anxiety. These not only impact your day to day living but also relationships with your children, friends and co-workers. It can even become debilitating leading to isolation and the inability to seek out help. I know. I have been there. 

As a bonus, I will be sending you my "5 Ways to Combat Empty Nest Syndrome" so if you are having difficulty, this educational hand-out can give some suggestions on ways to help.

Please provide your first name and email address to receive these resources.

Wishing you all the love and happiness your heart can hold....

Be Well,

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